Reject tariff hike madness from Zesco, urges Kapyanga

By Chinoyi Chipulu

Mpika-Central member of parliament Francis Kapyanga has urged Zambians to reject plans by Zesco to hike electricity tariffs as part of the drought response

And governance and human rights activist Noel Chisebe has urged the government to reconsider and suspend the planned tariff adjustment until the load shedding crisis is resolved. 

Kapyanga yesterday said that it was unfair for ZESCO to apply for electricity tariff increase, when people were barely surviving under the current tariffs.

“It is hypocritical for ZESCO to demand more money from struggling citizens when their businesses are closing due to ZESCO’s inefficiency and failure to cancel power exports,” Kapyanga stated.

He stated that the proposed increase would lead to more suffering, business closures, and economic hardship for the majority of Zambians.

“I am compelled to express my strong opposition to the proposed tariff plan by ZESCO, The truth is, ZESCO has been grossly mismanaged and turned into a ‘family tree’ by those in charge, who seem more focused on enriching themselves than providing reliable and affordable electricity to the people,” he stated.

Kapyanga stated that the current load shedding was a clear indication of ZESCO’s failure to deliver on its mandate.

“It’s absolute madness for ZESCO to apply for an electricity tariff increase when people are barely surviving under the current tariffs. The proposed increase will only lead to more suffering, business closures, and economic hardship for the majority of Zambians,”  stated Kapyanga.

And Chisebe said the planned tariff adjustment by Zesco amidst the current load shedding and drought crisis was ill-timed and insensitive.

Chisebe said this would exacerbate the suffering of Zambian citizens.

“While the government is providing drought mitigation funds to alleviate the suffering of affected communities, the planned tariff increase will negate the intended relief and further suffocate citizens already struggling with the high cost of living, fuel, and gas,” he said.

Chisebe said suspending the increase will help alleviate the burden on citizens and ensure the drought mitigation funds have a meaningful impact. 

“The tariff increase will disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, including low-income households, small businesses, and farmers, who are already struggling to cope with the drought and load shedding,” he said.

Chisebe further urged the government to prioritise the welfare of its citizens and explore alternative solutions to address ZESCO’s financial challenges without transferring the burden to already struggling Zambians. 

“We demand that the government suspends the planned tariff adjustment until the load shedding crisis is resolved and engages in meaningful consultations with stakeholders, including civil society, to find alternative solutions ,” said Chisebe.

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