By Isaac Zulu

Secretary to the Treasury Felix Nkulukusa has said that members of parliament should asking researched questions in the House so that they don’t expose their ignorance and mislead members of the people.

Recently Lunte member of parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya rose on a matter of public importance asking if Finance Minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane was in order for not submitting a financial report to the Auditor General by the end of June, saying this a violation of the Republican Constitution.

But when reached for a comment, Secretary to the Treasury Felix Nkulukusa parried those assertions, saying the financial report being talked about has been submitted and the Auditor General’s opinion has been issued.

“I am not home at the moment, I am in the UK. But I will still attend to your question. The Constitution says the financial report should be submitted by the end of June, which has been done. So the issue of violation of the Republican Constitution does not arise,” Nkulukusa said in an interview. “Our members of parliament should ask researched questions on the floor of the House on national matters so that they don’t expose their ignorance and, ultimately, mislead members of the public.”

He also urged the general citizenry to take keen interest in national affairs, scrutinise their members of parliament and hold them to account.

“The general Zambian populace should take keen interest in these national issues, scrutinise their representatives in Parliament and hold them to account,” said Nkulukusa.

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