Those leaving are failing to observe party rules – SP

By Mubanga Mubanga

Socialist Party (SP) media director Brian Hapunda says those leaving are failing to follow rules and regulations of the party.

The SP has suffered resignations in the past few days from several senior and other members of the party, with the latest being Chris Chiinda who has relinquished his position as member of national management committee(NMC) and resigned from the party for what he termed intolerance to divergent views and failure to resolve the differences within the party.

Speaking in an interview with Daily Revelation on the resignations, Hapunda said there was no organisation that did not have rules and regulations.

“Every organisation has rules on what we call modus operandi (a particular way of doing something), so every member of an organisation must operate on the modus operandi of that organisation. If they fail to live by the rules of that organisation, they can only leave. We can only wish them well that they can find an organisation they can fit in,” Hapunda said.

He said the party was undergoing restructuring hence the number of people leaving.

“For the betterment of the party, those who are leaving are also assisting in the restructuring of the party. As well as those who are joining are helping in the restructuring of the party,” Hapunda said.

He said despite the resignations happening, the Socialist party remained the fastest growing party in Zambia as at present.

“Otherwise the Socialist party remains the fastest growing opposition political party of choice of most majority citizens today, as can be seen from the performance of the party in the by-elections that we continue to take part in,” Hapunda said.

He further wished all those leaving the party well in their future endeavors, adding that the party was in fact receiving more people than those who were leaving.

But a former member of the party Brill Aggephrey said the termination of his membership by the party  was not surprising because party leader Dr Fred  M’membe did not respect dissenting views.

Aggephrey stated that Dr M’membe’s leadership had shown little tolerance for mistakes or dissenting voices.

He stated that members who dared to challenge his authority or question his decisions were quickly dismissed, often without recourse.

“This culture of fear and retribution has created a toxic environment within the party, where members are reluctant to speak out or participate in decision-making processes,” Aggephrey stated.

Meanwhile, the resignations have continued in the Socialist party, the party’s Livingstone Chairlady Vanessa Shamilimo has resigned, citing  Dr M’membe’s dictatorial leadership style.

“I think the senior comrades are not being fair, the old members and the new members are terminating anyhow. They act upon everything they think they should do is right. For Livingstone constituency I have resigned. I am no longer a member of the Socialist party,” said Shamilimo.

“You should also know that the people l mobilise, the people l came with, l will go with them wherever l will go and join. If it is means they will stop the Socialist Party, they will stop because I am the one who brought them. I can’t work with people that are not fair in their dealings, they don’t ask what is there on the ground. And l am tired. I think l had enough.”

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