We are trying to manage situation – Kang’ombe

By Esther Chisola

We are trying to manage the situation, says Kamfisa PF member of parliament Christopher Kang’ombe

Kangombe said this when he was asked for his comment on the step taken by Miles Sampa to give unconditional amnesty to seven out of nine PF member of parliamnet who were expelled

“I’m not making a comment over that issue, we are just trying to manage it so until the issue is concluded, I have no comment,” said Kang’ombe

Earlier today, Sampa gave amnesty to seven expelled members of  parliament saying the decision was aimed at averting massive by-elections which were not in the good interest of the party following the Constitutional Court ruling.

Yesterday, the Constitutional Court dismissed a petition in which the affected members of parliament petitioned faction leader Sampa over their expulsion from the party.

In a reversal of expulsion of members in a letter addressed to the speaker of the National Assembly, Sampa stated that Lupososhi member of parliament Musonda Mpankata and Kawambwa member of Parliament Nickson Chilangwa were not part of the amnesty.

“Kindly therefore disregard the letter we wrote to your office to declare their seats vacant. Please note that two other MPs … are not part of this amnesty,” stated Sampa.

Those whose expulsion has been reversed include; Pambashe MP Ronald Chitotela, Chitambo MP, Remember Mutale, Shiwang’ndu MP Stephen Kampyongo and Lunte MP Mutotwe Kafwaya.

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