We can’t have peace without actualising citizens potential – Nyangu

By Mubanga Mubanga

We will only have peace in Zambia when we actualise the potential of every citizen, Ministry of Community Development and Social Science Director of Social welfare Nelson Nyangu has said.

Speaking during the launch of Legacy of peace project-1, in Kanyama, Nyangu said Zambia is presently grappling with the drought, which has affected many households, which pause a danger to Zambia’s peace, because there is no peace without development.

“Peace is key to human emancipation and national development. So we should not take it for granted. If you check what is going on in Zambia it  is very disheartening there can not be development without peace.. think here we are luck in Zambia we have peace, but we must ensure that we actualise potential of each and every citizens and improve their wellbeing that is when we are going to have peace,” he said. “As am talking now there are a number of households going through number of challenges. We are going through the worst drought that we are experienced in the rain season, were more than eighter four districts have had severe drought.”

District Education Board Secretary I an Miyoba said to have peace in the country the root cause of conflict must be addressed, including poverty, inequality and political instability

“We must endeavour to listen to each other’s perspectives, build trust and work toward achieving mutual beneficial solutions. Furthermore we must also address structural issues, that perpetrate violence and conflict. This includes addressing issues of governmence, human rights and economic inequality,” Miyoba said. 

And General Director HWPL  Zambia branch, Mij ko said her organization came in Africa for a reason, further urging citizens to open up their minds and think about peace in the world.

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