Every right thinking member of society must condemn JJ’s suspected abduction – Sunday

By Staff Reporter

The suspected abduction of Petauke-Central member of parliament Emmanuel Banda must be condemned by every right thinking member of society, says his fellow Kanchibiya lawmaker Sunday Chanda.

In a press statement to Daily Revelation, Chanda noted that circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Banda have demonstrated how people have degenerated to a point where  they could not disagree with another person, without being violently disagreeable.

“In these trying times, our hearts are troubled with the news of the disappearance of one of our esteemed lawmakers— my comrade and brother Hon. Emmanuel Jay Banda. The disappearance or suspected abduction of Hon. Banda is not just an attack on an individual alone, but an affront to the very principles upon which our society and nation have been crafted and built, among these are: justice for all, Ubuntu (“I am because you are”), freedom of expression and movement, peace, security and tranquility,” Chanda said. 

He argued that there was no excuse whatsoever, the disappearance of Banda was a reprehensible and unconscionable evil act that should be condemned by all well-meaning and right-thinking members of society. 

“As Brother Minister Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) said: “You’re not to be so BLIND with PATRIOTISM that you can’t face REALITY. WRONG is WRONG, no matter who DOES it or SAYS it.” The disappearance of Hon. Jay Banda if it is what it is, is a wrong and should be condemned by all,” Chanda stated. “Fellow citizens, regardless of one’s tribe or one’s political persuasions— an injury to one is truly an injury to all, and in a society that values equality and freedom, and cherishes our Christian faith and other progressive religions; we cannot keep quiet or stand idly by in the face of such a ghastly evil act. Both individually and collectively, let us ‘dream of a world (and country) where the TRUTH is what shapes people’s POLITICS, rather than POLITICS shaping what people think is TRUE.'”

He offered is solidarity to the family, loves ones and and comrades of Banda.

“Your pain is my pain and our pain as a nation, and your fight is my fight and our fight as a nation – the fight for a truly united nation in which we are ALL ONE, STRONG AND FREE!” he stated. “To the rest of the country, I call upon each one of you to put aside divisive politics and come together as a community of abantu, united by our shared values, to demand the safe, unconditional and immediate return of a dear husband, father, brother, friend, comrade, lawmaker and fellow citizen — Hon. Emmanuel Jay Banda.”

He argued that the competent authorities charged with ensuring the peace and security of the nation and its citizens were equally called upon to spare no effort and time to ensure the swift and safe return of Banda.

“In solidarity, together with millions of fellow citizens, I also deeply implore all those directly or indirectly responsible to release our comrade unharmed; as well as to embrace the path of “learning to disagree without being violently disagreeable” in the words of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. A injury to one is an Injury to all. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will overcome,” stated Chanda. “Let us spare no effort in our quest to build a nation that’s truly One Zambia, One Nation, One People! Let love lead the way!”

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